
We Have the Tools to Defeat COVID-19; Let’s Use Them

August 17, 2021


ACHI Staff

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In a guest column in Arkansas Money & Politics, ACHI president and CEO Dr. Joe Thompson discusses COVID-19 vaccines: how they work, how safe and effective they are, and why the false claims of vaccine opponents don’t hold water.

“We have the tools to defeat COVID-19,” Thompson writes in the column. “We have to use them. If we do not, we will see our health care system overrun, which will affect all who need care, COVID-related or otherwise. We will see more avoidable deaths of Arkansans, including children. And perhaps most disturbing of all, we will give the virus time to mutate into a new variant, possibly one that is more deadly — and possibly one that can evade the vaccines — leaving us all vulnerable.”

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