All results displayed are based on patients identified in claims with a primary diagnosis code indicating a behavioral health condition.
For the medical claims analysis profile:
Paid amounts are for claims with a primary diagnosis code indicating a behavioral health condition and do not include paid amounts for claims that:
have a behavioral health diagnosis code indicating a secondary diagnosis, unless there was also a primary behavioral health diagnosis; or
were for medical care unrelated to the primary behavioral health diagnosis.
Patient counts represent unique patients with a primary diagnosis of a behavioral health condition.
The pharmacy claims analysis profiles patients with a claim having a primary diagnosis code indicating a behavioral health condition who also filled a behavioral health-related prescription drug.
Paid amounts are for behavioral health-related prescription drug claims only and do not include other prescriptions patients may have filled.
Patient counts represent the number of individuals with a claim having a primary diagnosis code indicating a behavioral health condition who also filled a behavioral health-related prescription drug.
The provider claims analysis profiles paid amounts for claims in the medical claims analysis that were for services performed by select types of behavioral health providers.
Paid amounts are the amounts paid to each type of behavioral health provider for the claims used in the medical claims analysis.
Patient counts represent the numbers of individuals from the medical claims analysis who were served by these specific behavioral health providers.
For more information, please review the “About the Data” section below the dashboard.